
Pain Killers: A Real Pain in the…

Every day we have patients that consult our practice, Central Ohio Spine and Joint due to their acute or chronic pain. Most people have at one point attempted to try and reduce their pain on their own, most try ice, heat, rest and over the counter medication (OTC)...

Frequently Asked Questions: Do you take x-rays?

Here at Central Ohio Spine and Joint, there are questions that we get asked almost daily within our clinic, one of which is do we take x-rays.  In an effort to be evidence-based and patient-centered, we continue to follow up to date evaluation and treatment...

I Don’t Believe in Chiropractic Care

I always get a small chuckle when I hear someone say “I don’t believe in chiropractic care”.  “My mother’s, cousins, uncle’s, ex-wife’s, step-son had a really bad experience with a chiropractor so ever since I do not believe in what you do.” Most of the time I do not...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

We graciously accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in honor of Cindy Crowe Winning the ALS Fight, as well as donating in Cindy’s honor.  We would like to challenge three of our favorite Westerville businesses. Kelly S. from Melt Hot Fitness, Matt D. from Columbus...