Chiropractic care is often associated with the singular treatment of manipulation or “adjustments”. Chiropractic care is a profession, not a single treatment option. Our providers have advanced training in not only manipulation but also manual therapy and rehabilitation.
Motion Palpation And Manipulation
Whether it is joints of the spine or extremities, free motion is essential for proper mechanics. Unfortunately, the body has a tendency to produce areas of stiffness and areas of instability. Stiffness typically leads to compensatory motion elsewhere resulting in tissue overload and injury/pain. Motion Palpation is a technique utilized to assess the joint range of motion. Once areas of stiffness have been identified, depending on the patient, our providers have the ability to begin to restore proper motion from a range of gentle mobilization to joint manipulation.
What most do not understand is the importance of proper joint motion, is all planes of motion. While exercise and mobilization can be effective for some, manipulation has the ability to take the joint beyond these ranges of motion, with the goal of restoring proper motion.

What Our Clients
Say About Us
#STRONGERASONE (adjective) – achieving all as one.
Our team of highly trained professionals are, stronger as one.
Our community of dedicated clients are, stronger as one.
WE ARE, #strongerasone.

What Our Clients
Say About Us

#STRONGERASONE (adjective) – achieving all as one.
Our team of highly trained professionals are, stronger as one.
Our community of dedicated clients are, stronger as one.
WE ARE, #strongerasone.