How Chiropractic Helps Infantile Colic
If you have ever cared for an infant with colic, you know how frustrating and helpless it can make you feel. It is so hard to see a little one in such obvious discomfort and you can’t help them no matter what you do. When you have a baby who experiences frequent colic...
How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens
The aging process can usher in a variety of conditions and health issues that are confined (mostly) to the elderly. Chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, and other issues can occur as a person get older, but senior citizens are finding that chiropractic provides...
Managing Shoulder Pain Naturally Without Medications, Injections or Surgery
How Magnesium Helps Soothe Sore Muscles
Everyone has stiff, sore muscles now and then. From overdoing it at the gym to sleeping in an awkward position, there are many reasons you might feel some muscular aches and pains. Some medical conditions or illnesses can also cause soreness. Several studies have...
Foods That Fight Inflammation Caused by Arthritis
Arthritis pain can be debilitating. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between the years of 2010 and 2012, an estimated 22.7 percent, or 52.5 million, adults in the United States alone were diagnosed by a doctor with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,...
Why Chiropractic Is a Great Choice for Whiplash Injuries
If you have ever had to deal with the pain of whiplash you know how it can impact every aspect of your life. Daily tasks can be painful or even impossible to carry out. Even milder cases can make it difficult to turn your head from side to side. Whiplash can cause...