Reframing Your Language Around Pain

“I have a bad back.” “I have sciatica.” “I can’t work out. I have a messed up shoulder.” “I’ll never be able to run again.” ….Sound familiar? Chronic pain easily finds itself weaved into our identities. These statements are prime examples of language gone bad. They...

Yoga and The Spine

“You are only as young and as healthy as your spine is strong and supple”  An Ancient Yogi quote The spine with its cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum regions including our “tailbone” has over 120 muscles connected to it and over 30 pairs of nerves. You may have...

TMJ (Tempromandibular Joint) and Chiropractic Care

TMJ stands for Tempromandibular Joint. When pain or dysfunction is associated with the TMJ we term it TMJD or Tempromandibular Joint Disorder. It is a common condition in which there is limited range of motion within the jaw. The jaw is a hinge joint that is connected...