Central Ohio Spine and Joint is a BWC certified chiropractor providing exceptional care for injured workers in the Columbus area for over 10 years. We consistently rank as one of the best practices in Columbus at getting injured workers back to work in a timely manner following a work-related injury.
What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Unlike other types of health insurance, Ohio’s workers’ compensation only covers “work-related” injuries and/or occupational diseases. If you’re hurt on the job, and your Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) claim is allowed, your claim related medical bills will be paid while you recover. In some cases, BWC will pay a portion of your lost wages.
Get The Relief You Need, Fast
Working fast paced or repetitive tasks can take its toll on your body. Bending, lifting, other strenuous activities, and even slips, trips, and falls can produce an injury that is felt immediately. Other regular aches and pains can cross the line to injury slowly. Our BWC certified chiropractor will get you the relief you need, fast!

What To Do If You Are Injured At Work
Here’s The Process

Report your injury/illness to your employer.

Seek medical care.
You have the right to seek care from a BWC certified chiropractor of your choice.

Ensure that your doctor or ER files your claim with your managed care organization (MCO)
File a claim on your own, First Report Of Injury (FROI) found on www.bwc.ohio.gov.
Services We Provide That Are BWC Certified

Chiropractic Care

Massage Therapy

Dry Needling

The Sooner You Treat Your Work Injury, The Better.
When injuries happen, it is vital that you seek treatment to prevent aggravating your condition. The most common work injuries we see are:
Neck Injuries
Back Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Numbness Or Tingling In Arms And Legs
Rotator Cuff Injury
FAQ Concerning Workman’s Comp And Injury At Work
What can I expect in the first 30 days after I file a claim (FROI)?
- BWC assigns a claim number.
- You will receive an informational packet by mail containing your BWC claim information.
- You, your doctor(s) and employer send your MCO all the information about your work-related injury/illness occupational diseases.
- BWC begins evaluating information about your injury/illness.
- BWC decides to allow/deny your initial claim for benefits within 28 days from the date the claim (FROI) is filed. You will receive this decision by mail (BWC order).
- If you and/or your employer disagree with the initial claim decision, you have the right to appeal the order within 14 days.
How do I choose my doctor for ongoing care?
You can see any doctor qualified to treat your injury for your initial office visit or emergency care. He or she does not necessarily have to be BWC certified.
For ongoing care, you have the right to choose any BWC certified doctor. This doctor is referred to as the physician of record (POR) in workers’ compensation. Your POR is responsible for:
- Providing care and coordinating your care with other doctors when needed;
- Working with your MCO and employer to develop a return to-work plan;
- Completing the necessary paperwork required by the MCO and your employer.
Be sure to ask your doctor if he or she is BWC certified. BWC’s website has a list of BWC-certified physicians. In addition, if you would like help finding a doctor, your MCO will be happy to assist you.
May I change doctors once my claim is filed?
You may change doctors if you feel you are not making progress with your current doctor. Talk to your MCO for assistance with this process or download the Notice to Change Physician of Record (C-23) on www.bwc.ohio.gov.
Who pays for my medical bills?
BWC has allowed your claim, and a BWC-certified doctor is treating you, you will not have to pay for any approved medical care. Usually, there are no out-of-pocket expenses.
In addition, BWC covers the cost of medications prescribed by your doctor. Tell your pharmacist the prescription is for workers’ compensation and be prepared to give the pharmacist your Social Security number, date of injury and BWC claim number.
Who will help me get back to work?
Work with your doctor, employer and MCO to identify job tasks that help to keep you working and receiving your full pay check. There are options available today to help injured workers remain on the job while they recover. These options include light duty and transitional-work programs to name only a few.
What happens if I am unable to work?
The Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC) hearing process resolves disputed claims. The IC is a separate state agency. If you or your employer disputes an issue in your claim, you will receive notice of the date, time and location of the hearing. You may choose to represent yourself in this process or hire a lawyer at your own expense. Contact BWC if you need information about this process.
* Ohio BWC, “What to do when you’re INJURED AT WORK”, pamphlet.
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#STRONGERASONE (adjective) – achieving all as one.
Our team of highly trained professionals are, stronger as one.
Our community of dedicated clients are, stronger as one.
WE ARE, #strongerasone.